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Daily Living


New York Times bestseller, Dr. Henry Lodge and Chris Crowley help you discover how to put off 70% of the problems you face through aging and how to eliminate 50% of the illnesses and injuries you face. Neurologist, Dr. Allan Hamilton, chimes in to explain how following "Harry's Rules" for diet, exercise, and emotional connectivity directly affects your brain, to a cellular level.

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Another New York Times bestseller, Dr. Matthew Walker answers the questions we should be asking. Dr. Walker explains how we can utilize sleep to improve learning, mentality, energy levels. Even explaining how sleep can regulate hormones, prevent cancer, Alzheimers, diabetes, and other ailments. Dr. Walker goes a step further in this must read book.

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Gallwey bands together with two accredited physicians to offer an insightful and powerful guide to mental health through today's turbulent struggles. Gallwey explains how self-sabotage and negative affirmations undermines us, forcing us to believe that pressure is inevitable and everyone's expectations are paramount, leaving you feeling trapped and unhappy. Gallwey provides a shield against stress, tying our abilities to take childlike pleasure in learning and discovering new skills (rest and relaxation), while teaching us to trust in our own good judgment. Discovers Gallwey's invaluable tools through his stress-defining book.  


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